- Anita, darling.
-Good morning, Cruella.
- What a ________ dog.
- Thank you.
- Spots?
- Yes, she's _________.
- lnspiration?
- Yes.
- Long ____ or short?
- Short.
- Coarse or fine?
- l'm afraid it is a little coarse.
- Pity!
- But it was very fine when she was a puppy.
-Redemption! We need to have a little girl ____. Come to my office.
Bring the drawing. Now, darling, tell me more about these spots.
l did leopard spots in the '80s.
-Well, dalmatian spots are a little _________, aren't they?
- Cozy.
- Cuddly.
-Less trashy.
-Exactly! Do you like spots, Frederick?
-Oh, l don't believe so, Madame. l thought we liked _______ this year.
-What kind of sycophant are you?
-Um, what kind of sycophant would you like me to be?
-Frederick...l'm beginning to see spots.
- What would it ____ us to start again on next year's line?
- Millions.
- Can we ______ it?
- Well, yes.
-Pay it, darling. Now go away. l have to talk to Anita.
Alonzo? Did you ask Anita if she'd like something to _____?
- Oh, l'm fine, thank you.
-Sit down, please. How long have you been working for me?
-Uh, two years last August.
- And you've done wonderful work in that time.
- Thank you.
- l don't see you ________, do l?
- No.
-And you're not very well-known, _______ your obvious talent.
-Well, notoriety doesn't mean very much to me.
-Your work is _____ and clean, unfettered, unpretentious.
lt sells. And one of these days...my competitors are going to suss out who you are...
and they're going to try to _____ you away.
-Oh, no. lf l left, it wouldn't be for another job.
-Oh, really? What would it be for?
-Well, l don't know. Um, if l met someone, if working here didn't fit in with our plans.
- ________.
- Perhaps.
-More good women have been lost to marriage...than to war, famine, disease and ________.
You have talent, darling. Don't squander it.
-Well, l don't think that it's something we have to ___________. l don't have any prospects.
- Thank God.
-Well, l should be getting back to work.
-Yes, please do. Alonzo. The drawing. Take the drawing from Anita and hand it to me!
ls that _________? Thank you. Now go. Stand somewhere 'til l need you.
l look wonderful in spots. However, l would like to make one small ______.
-We could do this in linen.
-lt would be stunning in fur.
-But you'll be wearing it to the Chesterton Trials. That's in April. Fur would be _____________.
-But it's my only true love, darling. l live for fur. l worship fur. After all, is there a woman
in all this wretched world who doesn't? Give it to Anita. lt is rather _______, isn't it?
-What is?
-Well, if we make this coat...it would be as if l were _______ your dog.