-We can't have a dog. We can't have a dog!
-You can't show a child a _____, then take it away two minutes later.
-I didn't show a child a puppy. It's obviously ____. Occupy the kids. I'll run to the pound.
- No, no way! It'll be destroyed.
-If we keep it, the house will be _________!
- It's a dog. Millions of people have dogs.
- Not people like me. Dogs _____. They ____, they ____. They drool, they _______...Alice, they have parasites.
- Oh, God, yeah.
-The kids'll lose interest. I'll have to _________ of it. It'll grow to be ________. It'll take over the yard. The lawn'll look terrible. When the dog finally settles down, it'll die. Everybody will be _____. We'll have to get another puppy. Start all over. Do you understand?
- No. Could you be more ________?
- Alice, I need a little _______.
- Okay, I'm sorry. All right. How shall we ______ this?
-Go tell the kids.