-Pardon my intrusion. I saw a light.
- It is no intrusion. I come here to ____ when I am wakeful.
- To read books which you must ____?
- They were my mother's books. My father believes tales of romance...
cause the brain fever that killed my mother. She died two years ago come midwinter.
The _____ who cared for her during her ________ is now Lady Van Tassel.
-There was something else too. Why did no one think to _______...that the Van Garretts
are kin to the Van Tassels?
-Because there is hardly a household in Sleepy Hollow... that is not _________ to every other
by blood or marriage.
-I see.
-This land we're looking at was Van Garrett land, given to my father when I was in swaddling clothes.
The Van Garretts were the _______ family around these parts. When my father brought us
to Sleepy Hollow, Van Garrett set him up with an acre and a broken-down cottage.
My father ______ hard for his family, and prospered and _____ this house.
I owe my _________ to him. I remember living poor in the cottage. Should I ____ you?
- Yes.
-Take this. It is my ____ for you.
-No, I have no use for it.
-Are you so certain of everything?
-It was your mother's.
-Keep it close to your _____. It is sure protection against harm.
-Are you so certain of everything?