-Do you mind if I smoke?
-It won't ______ the test. All right, I'm gonna ask you a series of questions.
Just relax and answer them as ______ as you can. It's your birthday.
Someone gives you a calfskin ______.
-I wouldn't ______ it. Also, I'd report the person who gave it to me to the police.
-You've got a little boy. He shows you his butterfly collection...plus the killing jar.
-I'd take him to the doctor.
-You're watching television. Suddenly you _______ there's a ____ ________ on your arm.
-I'd kill it.
-You're reading a magazine. You come across a _________ ____ photo of a girl.
-Is this testing whether I'm a Replicant or a lesbian, Mr. Deckard?
-Just answer the questions, please. You show it to your husband.
He likes it so much he _____ it on your bedroom wall.
-I wouldn't let him.
-Why not?
-I should be enough for him.
-One more question. You're watching a stage play, a _______ is in progress.
The guests are enjoying an _________ of raw oysters. The entree consists of ______ dog.
-Would you ____ ___ for a few moments, Rachael? Thank you.
-She's a Replicant, isn't she?
-I'm _________. How many questions does it usually take to ____ one?
- I don't get it, Tyrell.
- How many questions?
-Twenty, thirty, cross-referenced.
-It took more than a hundred for Rachael, didn't it?
-She doesn't know.
-She's beginning to suspect, I think.
-Suspect? How can it not know what it is?
-Commerce is our ____ here at Tyrell. "More human than human" is our motto.
Rachael is an experiment, nothing more.